April 21, 2019. I’ve been doing most of my nature viewing (and gardening) around the house in the last year. I never post those photos on here – they end up on Facebook. I have no idea why. So, I’m going to dust off the “real” camera and post photos, whether they are from hikes or around the house. I usually take tons of photos in the spring. Everything is so fresh and beautiful. I will not spend time editing photos, because I was spending hours editing photos before and I burnt out. Enjoy!
It’s time for Iris!
Midnight Run. This iris made me get my Nikon out. I tried taking it’s picture with my iPhone and it was almost white because of the sheen of this beauty. I feel it’s best viewed with sun coming through the petals, which shows the true wine color.

Brash and Bold
So much going on with this iris…

Beautiful! Glad to see you back
Thank you!
Glad you’re back!! I love your photography!
Thank you Camilla! That means so much
I have always enjoyed your photos and commentary. Glad you’re back
Thank you Phil! I didn’t even know you followed me
I’ve missed you!
Amazing as ever! So cool how such richly-colored petals are translucent. Looking forward to the next installment!
Thank you! Aren’t they amazing? I head outside every morning to see what’s new. It’s like Christmas every day.
I’m glad you’re back, Stacy! The pictures are absolutely gorgeous